Blooming Neighbors will take place Saturday, June 5 and Green Acres will receive two honors at this annual city event. Check out the full post for award notifications, Blooming Neighbors schedule of events, and nomination letters. Come celebrate your neighborhood and the accomplishments of the folks who live here!
Click on images for larger view.
City Council Neighborhood Enhancement Award Winner Notification Letter
HAND Neighbor of the Year Certificate of Recognition Notification Letter
Blooming Neighbors Schedule of Events
City Council Neighborhood Enhancement Award Nomination LetterHAND Neighbor of the Year Award Nomination Letter
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Green Acres Wins at Blooming Neighbors 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
GANG Update - 5/26/10
Ann has posted an update on her blog, so check it out and stay informed.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Green Acres Real Estate Update - 5.23.10
Green Acres is a great place to live; convenient to IU, downtown, and eastside ammenities. Check out the latest listings of homes for sale in our neighborhood.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
6th Annual Plant Share - Saturday, May 22
Here are some photos from the PlantShare. It went really well. We had 11 people participate. You could not have asked for a nicer day either.
One of the great things was that Mary and Abby are master gardeners who volunteer some of their time at Hilltop Gardens and the Director of Hilltop, Greg Speichert, gave GANA a very nice assortment of plants left over from last week's sale. We got a lot of varieties of tomato plants, mint plants (chocolate and sweet), some grasses, and other wonderful plants. We also had other people bring nice plants to share.
Picture 1: L-R, Mary Sasse, Nancy Anderson, Valerie Cox, Mary Wheeler, Abby Pietsch
Picture 2: L-R, Mary Wheeler, Ann Kreilkamp, Abby Pietsch View full story>>
Sunday, May 16, 2010
6th Annual Plant Share - Saturday, May 22
Details are in the full post in case the flyer image isn't clear.
Saturday, May 22nd 9 – 11am
(In case of rain, plants will be in the garage behind the house!!!)
• Share your leftover seedlings, plant divisions, indoor houseplants, etc.
Also extra garden tools, gloves, materials, etc.
• Put plant in a pot or a plastic bag with roots wrapped in wet paper towels.
• Provide the name of the plant and, if possible, planting instructions (e.g., sun/shade, size, color, annual/perennial/ season of bloom)
• Bring donated plants to the PlantShare location between 8:30-9am. If you need a pickup, contact Jelene Campbell at a few days ahead of time.
☺Help Make Green Acres Beautiful!!!☺
Saturday, May 15, 2010
GANG 2010 - Workshop #2
Sunday, May 15, 1-5 p.m.
Check out Ann's blog for more pictures and descriptions from the workshop.
The next workshop in the 2010 series is "How's it Going? Problem Solving and Redesign;" held Saturday, June 26.
Workshop space is limited. To pre-register, please contact Ann Kreilkamp 812-334-1987or Suggested donation per class: $5 to $15.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May GANG Meeting and Potluck
Time: Potluck begins at 6:30pm, with meeting to follow
Location: Ann's house, 134 N Overhill
Topics: Project Updates, Upcoming Events, and anything else neighbors want to discuss
Neighbors Present: Ann, Al & Kathy, Jane, Alfio, Asiri, Mano, and Kacey
Kids! - We were happy to welcome three Green Acres children to our meeting. Kids have been come to meetings from time to time and it is always wonderful to have the participation of neighborhood youth. We hope this is a trend that will continue. Parents - if you have hesitated to come to a meeting because you weren't sure what to do with your kids during that time - please come and bring the family with you!
Noise concern revisited - our noise issue discussed last month continues, although the neighbors close to the home report that some progress is being made. Efforts to have no parking signs installed are paying off, but they are not always being properly enforced. Neighbors report that they have been told by City Parking Enforcement that they are not responsible for patrolling the area for parking violations. Ann was able to track down a potential contact for one of the noisy homes. Jane reminded the neighbors to speak with Tim Mayer, City Council At-Large and Green Acres Neighbor, to see if he has any ideas of what else to try.
GANG - We toured the garden to see the completed work from the SPEA project, as well as the individual efforts of neighbors and the workshop participants - stop by the garden yourself to check out the progress, it is awesome! The second GANG workshop for year 2 is Saturday, May 22.
Blooming Neighborhoods - we still need a few people to sit at the Green Acres table at the event. Jane will call for volunteers via the listserv. The GANG has been nominated for the City Council Neighborhood Enhancement Award and Jane has been nominated for the HAND Neighbor of the Year Award - congrats to both on the nominations. A win in any category earns the neighborhood $100 (which would be great to use towards a Small and Simple Grant).
The June meeting will be Tuesday, June 8 and currently has no where to call home. Jane will call for a volunteer via the listserv.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
GANG Update - SPEA Project Wrap Up
Check out Ann's blog for an update on the GANG and the culmination of the SPEA spring project.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Green Acres Real Estate Update - 5.2.10
Green Acres is a great place to live; convenient to IU, downtown, and eastside ammenities. Check out the latest listings of homes for sale in our neighborhood.